Creative Options

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Creative Services


Customer Research

Data Driven Insights That Make Your Marketing More Effective

Customer Research

Customer Research: Creative Options Provivdes Data-Driven Insights that Makes Your Marketing More Effective

Our propriety research methodology, MatchPoint™ Analytics, is a one-of-kind “clustering” system that clearly defines your best customers, gives them a face, in a simple three-step process.

Step 1: Identify: Identify and profile your current customers through customer analysis and research. We do this by examining and studying your customer database.

Step 2: Learn: Learn the detailed information available about their lifestyle choices, consumer patterns, demographics and psychographics.

Step 3: Hyper-target: Market to those who are just like them, stepping over those who aren’t.

What does all this mean to you? We will work with you to develop a fact-based, highly targeted and cost-efficient marketing plan. You’ll get data-driven marketing recommendations that yield insights to:

We just don't tell you who to target , we tell you who is going buy!

It’s a fact: not every person wants or needs your product or service.

MatchPoint™ Analytics will identify which customer segments are most likely to do business with you – and to spend more money on average – and group them into manageable “buckets” of customers.


Sports Bar & Grill

If you can’t answer those questions with 100% certainty, contact us today, because MatchPoint™ will deliver those answers, and ultimately increase revenues.

We go beyond basic demographics like Household Income of 75k plus and ages 25 to 49. We provide precision insights into your best customers media consumption and psychographics, so you not only know where and how to reach them, but also how they act, shop, buy and “talk”.

Know Your Target Audience’s:

Unlike most research reports, we provide real-world marketing recommendations and services that activate these key findings. This will allow you, or us working together, to build your marketing plan based on a deep understanding of the facts.


We provide Zip Code Analysis so you can focus on areas that have your best customers. Whether its local, regional or national. We break down where your target audience lives, down to the household.

Whether you’re a “solopreneur” or a large multi-chain corporation or somewhere in between, we can identify which U.S. markets have the greatest concentrations of prospective customers that act and behave the same as your current best customers.

Matchpoint 1
Matchpoint 2


MindEcology is the Research Division of Creative Options. MindEcology operates under the Creative Options umbrella or stands alone as an autonomous research and database minding company. Why do we operate this way? So we can help all kinds of companies, including our peers in the advertising agency business. We can work as partners, vendors, strategic partners or even provide “white label” reports.

Visit to learn more in-depth about MatchPoint™ Analytics and database analytics.

Visit to learn more in-depth about MatchPoint™ Analytics and database analytics.


Our MatchPoint™ Analytics Reports helps remove the guesswork out of your marketing efforts. It’s all sophisticated stuff, but useful and applicable in the real world too. But all this just scratches the surface. We’d love to sit down with you and show you we turn all of this information into real-world, actionable marketing recommendations written in plain language so you get 3-5 times better response on your marketing

Creative Services Section

Creative Services: Our Creative Goal is to Save the World From the Bland and the Boring

Pedestrian and ineffective creative threatens to comatose consumers on a daily basis. But really, what matters most are results: making phones ring and websites buzz with traffic. Sure we make things look pretty, colorful and eye-catching, most agencies do, but we’re strategic in nature first and foremost. And without strategy, creative will fail.

What’s more, our MatchPoint™ Analytics delivers psychographic analysis so we can identify which creative message best fits each customer type. By delivering the right message, to the right people, you’ll be making more by spending less.

And once we know the customer type, we deliver a message that is relevant. That speaks to that customer in an emotional way. Our approach to this process is simple: develop one thought, one focus. But branding and positioning goes beyond just logos and colors schemes. It goes deeper into the brain. That’s why we employ the new field of Neuromarketing – the key to unlocking your customer’s brain and pushing their “buy buttons.” We also understand that the most powerful concept in advertising isn’t some award-winning campaign, it’s owning a word or persona in the prospect’s mind. What word is your brand?


Neuro What? Neuromarketing!

What drives customer decisions? What are the emotional buy buttons?

This isn’t subliminal advertising, this is real science.

Even the smallest of things like placing images on the left, text on the right because the left hemisphere of the brain is better at processing imagery. It’s little things like this, that “whispers” a creative message to the prospects brain to get people act. We employ these techniques in just about everything we do, including:


Rule #1:
Speak to the heart and the mind will follow.

Rule #2:
Bad advertising is about the advertiser. Good advertising is about the customer.

(Remember, the customer isn’t interested in your address or phone number until after you’ve convinced them why they should care.)

Rule #3:
Use verbs. Verbs are more effective than nouns.

Rule #4:
Eliminate “plain words.” Avoid words that do not contribute toward a more vivid or colorful image. (Same holds true with images)

Rule #5:
Be unpredictable. Surprise is the foundation of everything delightful.

Rule #6:
Use sound, music, compelling words, unusual cadence, blank airtime or a memorable moment to capture and retain the audience’s attention.

Rule #7:
Don’t forget the benefit.

Please visit our portfolio page to see some of work, but caution, you better strap on a seat belt because you’re about to blown away.


Creative Services

Eye Catching Creative That’s On Strategy


Online Marketing

We’ll Help You Get Noticed

Online Marketing Section

Online Marketing We'll Help You Get Noticed


More people use organic, unpaid search results to locate information, products, and services on the Internet than any other means.

Having a high search engine ranking is paramount in today’s business environment. If you’re not located on the first two pages of Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines, you’re not being found. And that means you’re not increasing sales. We can change that with our SEO programs.

Standard SEO begins with the proper structure of your website. A search engine friendly site is first and foremost easily navigated by both users and search engine spiders, and based on an information architecture that is wellthought out for users (first) and search engines.

Every search engine optimization project is completely custom. Why? Because every website, every competitive landscape and, in fact, every keyword is unique. That is why you will never hear us talk about “SEO Packages”. It is also a reason why we provide an SEO and Keyword Audit to assist companies with scoping out their search engine optimization efforts.

Common deliverables in our SEO programs include:

Keyword Research Analysis
SEO experts provide an online analysis to identify how users search for your online business, products or services.

Traffic and Content Analysis
We analyze the traffic patterns and statistics of the existing website, user interface and textual content to learn the current strengths and weaknesse

Search Engine Optimized Sitemap
The plan from which your website is developed. The Sitemap includes:

That’s certainly not all-inclusive of what Creative Options will bring to an SEO effort. Not by a long shot.

What we bring, most of all, is integrity and a strong work ethic. Our team understands that online marketing means turning more visitors into customers; clicks into sales leads; with the ultimate goal of bringing in more revenue for your company.


Paid search (PPC) marketing can be both a companion to the natural search efforts of your website, or a stand-alone channel to reach visitors online.

Creative Options believes that the union of both natural and paid search is the best way to truly make the most of your online presence, but there are times when the investment into SEO programs (time AND money) can make ROl a challenge with natural search programs.

Paid search is often times the safest investment one can make in marketing a business on the search engines. And has the most immediate impact on results.

By now, most every competitor that you have is investing in paid search. Because this is largely an auction-based program, supply and demand rule the day. Bids can get high. If you’re not managing this well, you may find that ROl is difficult to come by, with your paid search efforts.

That’s why you need experts at Creative Options. Combining our MatchPoint™ Analytics and our Pay Per Click methodologies we can:

Advertising Services
Advertising It All Starts with Insights, Ideas, and Initiative.


Aligning business objectives with marketing tactics is more than a marketing phrase. It’s the way to conduct marketing. Un-tethered from dated advertising and marketing practices, Creative Options delivers yearlong, comprehensive marketing plans with integration designed to achieve clearly stated business and advertising objectives.

Creative Options develops compelling advertising that captures audience attention and produces results for clients. From TV and radio campaigns, to print, search engine marketing, billboards and social media, a strategic eye is kept on each advertising medium to ensure consistency of message and creative to make the most out of any advertising budget. Our Advertising Services Include:

Creative Options assists and leads companies and organizations of all sizes and business categories. We specialize in working in these business categories:

Whether your strategy is business-to-business or business-to-consumer, our strong base of creative talent and marketing knowledge can help you find creative new ways to connect with customers. And with offices in Texas and Colorado, Creative Options has the ability to help local, regional and national companies.



It All Starts With Insights, Ideas And Initiative


Investor & Public Relations

We Generate Awareness

Public Relations Services
Investor & Publice Relations: We Generate Awareness

Creative Options Communications focus is strategic communications – generating awareness and understanding of your company among members of the financial community, business community and general public. Our goal is to get a company’s stock fully valued, find new brokers and institutional fund managers, increase trading volume, expand following and gain national media publicity. We are specialists in building market awareness for mini, micro and small cap emerging growth companies.

Our Services Include:


Creative Options will also provide a one page research report summary in the form of an easily-disseminated investor fact sheet. We will distribute your report and press releases by email to our opt-in network of retail investors, fund managers, brokers, market makers, and newsletter contacts. We will also distribute the information to our smaller “personal” network; sophisticated investors who bring real money to the table.


Creative Options facilitates press release tagging and assists with distribution. We can also work with management to provide writing and content coaching.


We realize that no one is more passionate about your company than yourself, so will set up a conference in a select city where you will be able to convey your message to hundreds of potential investors.


Creative Options will schedule conferences in major U.S. cities including New York, Boston and Chicago – putting you in front of Brokers, Money Managers and Funds. Face-to-face meetings with these industry heavy weights are the best ways to convey the strengths and goals of your company directly to the broker/dealer market.


We utilize the latest Web 2.0 social media and networking tools to introduce our clients to an enormous online audience. We have created a platform that allows company management to interact efficiently with current and potential shareholders, customers, and media outlets through a seamless integration into an all-inclusive computer desktop application. We teach clients how to leverage programs such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Digg, and to create a self-propagating audience for both their company and its stock. These outlets represent the future of investor relations and Creative Options is proud to be at the forefront of this microcap innovation.

Branding Services Section

Branding What is it Really?

Marketers talk of branding as if it’s some mythical, complex and mysterious, but boil it down and it comes down this – attaching a thought or persona to your company’s name. A brand is the sum of all the mental associations, good and bad that are triggered by the name. What does your name stand for in the mind of the public? Does one word describe or define your company?

Branding is owning a single idea, concept or feeling in the mind or heart of the customer. Sometimes it’s just a word. A phrase. A Thought. And emotion. Whatever it is you want to own in the mind of a customer. Do youknow what that is? We can help you get there.

The truth is, your message itself, is far important than the vehicle of its delivery. That’s why we take great care in developing a message that speaks to the customer in a language he or she will understand and what matters to the customer.

Narrow the Focus 2


Connecting You To A Relevant Audience, Frequently


Website Design

We Generate Awareness

Website Services Section

Website Design We Combine Beautiful Designs with Functionality

Excellent website design requires that four important types of expertise converge seamlessly: technical, aesthetic, search engine optimization, and branding. For each website that we designs and develops, we bring together these competencies in full force and at just the right balance. The result is your new website that loads quickly, is beautifully-designed, is easily found & properly indexed by search engines, and expertly promotes your brand.

We offer the full range of website design options to meet your individual needs, including the development of single-page landing page microsites for driving a specific user behavior, traditional corporate websites, e-commerce sites, and complex web applications. Depending upon your needs, our web design services can include:

Media Planning

Media Planning Connecting You to a Relevant Audience, Frequently

The key to making media work is relentless repetition. So we firmly believe in the “Frequency Is King” method when it comes to media buying. Our goal is to connect you to a relevant audience with a relevant message as many times as possible with a given budget.

And with our MatchPoint™ Analytics, we can focus your advertising dollars on the most responsive prospects while stepping over those who will likely never buy from you.

Our unique system of negotiating the best possible media schedules allows us to stretch your advertising dollars. We also understand that rating points

don’t buy anything. That’s why we dig deeper; customer profiles matched against media profiles, reach and frequency, time spent listening, audience recycling, hour-by-hour variances, demographic distribution and much more.

In simpler terms our formula is quite simple:

Less Fragmentation = More Connectivity

Higher Frequency = More Traffic

Our media strategies are unique, aggressive, and effective. We plan and buy all media. Our services include:


We are disciplined stewards of our clients’ media schedules, recognizing that millions of dollars are lost or gained during schedule maintenance. So we audit all our media schedules on an on-going basis. We are transparent in our reporting, keeping you informed every step of the way.


Media Planning

Connecting You To A Relevant Audience, Frequently