Denver & Austin Texas – Here are Creative Options, we do a lot of online marketing. It’s a must in today’s marketing continuum, and luckily we’ve had a lot of success on behalf of our clients. However, in today’s online-based marketing world, “old school” marketing still has relevance. One of those marketing tactics that is often overlooked is good ol’ fashioned direct mail. However, direct mail has gotten far more advanced and segmented than it did just 10 years ago. It’s imperative these days to make your direct mail personalized and segmented.

Personalized Direct Mail

When you’re trying to reach both current and prospective customers it’s important to personalize as much as your data can tell you. The more personalized the direct mail, the better. You must “speak” to them in the recipient’s language. And with new technology, such as Personalized URLs (PURLs), it’s even more granular and personalized more than ever before. And that’s a good thing! The more personalized the better response rate!

Here are FIVE basic tips to improve your direct mail marketing efforts:

1. Leverage customer intelligence and personas.

Use your data intelligently to create more personalized and persona-based messages that enable cross-selling /up-selling opportunities or new client relationship that ultimately foster customer loyalty.

2. Relevant communication

In some cases, your message is traveling with an important personal document (e.g. an invoice, or an insurance policy’s benefits). Be respectful of the medium by keeping the marketing message aligned with the purpose of the document.

3. Make Sure Your Data Is Accurate and Correct.

Want your direct mail to go into the recycle bin? Add the wrong address or a misspelled name. A person’s name is sacred to him or her. Make sure you get it correct.

4. Make sure You Get highest mailing accuracy and integrity

Especially with personalized transactional mail and inserts. Misdirected mail can put customers off the brand completely. The wrong marketing message – or worse, the wrong personal document to the wrong person – is a far greater problem than just creating a bad impression.

5. Milestone marketing

If you’re able to capture this type of information, be opportunistic about events in your existing customer’s life such as birthdays, graduations, home moves, weddings and births. Sending helpful promotions around life events can turn “customers” into “friends” who will ultimately be a brand ambassador for your company using word of mouth referrals.Follow these basic steps and you’ll see your response rate improve dramatically. But honestly, that’s just the tips of the iceberg. There’s even more segmenting you can do to decrease your spending on direct mail while you increase your response rate, and who doesn’t want that? If you would like to learn more about some of those direct mail tactics, please contact us today. We’d love to visit with you.