Denver, Colorado –  All companies, regardless of size, age, purpose, product or service have a brand.  Sometimes the brand is delivered via the company name, sometimes by a logo or a catch phrase.  For all companies however, branding is its message.  All elements, good or bad, that come together to create emotion and recognition. Brands may be created by working with a branding agency or by default as a company traverses its customer and vendor relationships and business landscape.

For any business, there will be optimal moments full of shining glory and glowing reviews and then not so optimal moments with unhappy customers or vendors, negative press or social media rumor mills gone rampant.  Branding agency experts agree that having a crisis management plan that covers and protects the brand is imperative.  Not only can it save money, stress, and time, but over the long term as well.  Successfully handling a crisis of any magnitude can often not only redeem a company in the eyes of existing customers, but earn it new ones as well.

Branding agencies help companies of all sizes establish their brand based on what the company’s philosophy, goals and objectives as well as meeting the wants, needs and preferences of its client base.  By knowing its brand, a company can take the key steps towards protecting it, as the adage goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”.  The essential action in any crisis is to immediately address it.  When companies are perceived as hiding or ignoring a crisis situation of any type, reputation damage begins.

By immediately addressing the crisis, the company owns the content and the message from the outset.  In addition, by presenting the company as one that has little if anything to hide, initial steps are taken to regain the public’s trust.  Maintaining and regaining trust are essential to the integrity of a brand and its reputation.  Next, ensure that reputation control and brand protection are top priorities, not just while the crisis is unfolding, but for the next few weeks or months following, depending on the magnitude of the event.  Monitoring social media and implementing a response process is key.

Threats to a company’s brand can come from within or without.  In today’s social media culture, all too often we hear stories or see videos of employees engaging in questionable activities on company time or dime.  These stories can go viral and result in negative press for a mega corporation or severely damage the reputation of a local company.  Having social media policies and guidelines that are clearly established and shared with employees is a key step in protecting a company’s brand.  But to protect a brand, a company must know exactly what their brand is.

Having the right people in the right place at all times is essential to managing brand identity, especially during a time of crisis.  It can be an all-consuming task and one solution is to hire a branding agency.  By having an ongoing relationship with an agency that understands the brand, a company has a reliable partner and resource for sunny days and cloudy days alike.

If you like to discuss more about public relations, please contact us today. We’d love to visit with you. Or, if you’d like a free analysis of your website, click here.