Creative Options

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Posts filed under: Customer Profiling & Research

Segmentation and Targeting

Denver, Colorado – In marketing speak, the two related practices of segmentation and targeting go hand-in-hand. Segmentation is the practice of differentiating your prospects before you approach them with marketing outreach in order to separate those most likely to buy... Read More

Use Segmentation to Improve Your Marketing Effectiveness

Denver, Colorado – These days, “big data” is becoming an integral part of marketing. And it should be. We here at Creative Options are big proponents of using database analysis for marketing. This database analysis leads to segmentation. Or what... Read More

Branding or Direct Response What’s the Right Approach for Your Marketing Goals?

Denver, Colorado & Austin, Texas – Direct response and branding are two very different marketing strategies. Both are viable strategies depending on your business and marketing goals. But should they really be independent of each other? Before we answer that,... Read More

Why Life Stage Matters in Strategic Development and Target Audience Identification

Denver & Austin Texas – Many marketing departments, business owners and CEOs often overlook the importance of qualitative demographics, focusing on age and gender in the target market identification, media buying and sales process.  Many times that is overplayed. Research... Read More

Get High Search Engine Ranking Using Long Tail Keywords!

Denver, Colorado – Just when you think you know something about search engine optimization, consumers change their search patterns. More and more, people are using search terms of 3 words or more, known as “long tail” keywords, to find what... Read More

5 Key Considerations for Predictive Modeling and How it Can Boost your Marketing Efforts

If you own a company in a large city like Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, Houston and San Antonio, the competition for market share is fierce. But there are ways to overcome: Predictive Modeling. We’re entering a new era of Precision Marketing... Read More