Denver, Colorado – These days, “big data” is becoming an integral part of marketing. And it should be. We here at Creative Options are big proponents of using database analysis for marketing. This database analysis leads to segmentation. Or what we sometimes refer to as persona-based marketing.

Segmentation analysis gives you a complete circular view of your consumer, including insights related to:

  • Lifestage – identifying where a person or household is in their life stage: single, married, kids present in the house, where you live in relationship to a city. The factors have a major impact on consumer behavior.
  • Psychographics – The way people emotional feel and act in the consumer world.
  • Purchase Behaviors (retail, restaurant, travel, auto, financial, technology, etc.)
  • Media Selection – which media will your potential clients most likely to use. It can also give insights into media Day parts, channel choices and ad frequency for TV and radio spots and other mediums.

This arsenal of knowledge will help you build themes, messaging and branding cues into your ad campaigns that will speak directly to your key consumer groups. Measuring the effectiveness of your ad campaigns using those same consumer groups, you will quickly see if your messaging connecting with its intended audience and ultimately your sales will begin to increase.

Use segmentation as part of your marketing efforts. It will help you get a better return on profits. Just look at our case studies and you’ll see some examples of that. If you would like to learn more about segmentation for marketing, contact us today, and we’ll be happy to talk some shop.