Denver, Colorado – Need a new website? If you aren’t able to do the job, it’s time to bring in the professionals. Whether you are revamping your entire website, or simply doing some housecleaning and refreshing, finding a good web development company is key to a successful launch. Hiring the wrong company for you can be an expensive mistake, so take the time to learn what it is you need, and find which company can exceed that need for you.
Make them part of your team
Creating a new website is rarely a quick process. Many hours will be devoted to the project by a variety of staff at your company. After the site is up and running, there are often updates and changes needed, as your company grows. Anyone you hire to handle the job should be considered an extension of your existing marketing team, since you and your staff will spend quite a bit of time working with them. Personalities of those working on the web project should mesh and the company should be a good overall fit. They should be capable and professional, but easy to approach with questions, comments, or constructive criticism.
Find an all-in-one
The average web development company will be able to determine which text, navigation, layout, and graphics to use on your site. Those skills will get website built for you. That’s fine if all you want is a website. If you want a great site that works hard for you, the right company will create a beautiful design your site, plus they will have the expertise of Internet marketers. They will be able to use marketing analytics to find the best tools and design to meet your customer’s wants and needs. They will also have knowledge of how to increase your site traffic and get good search ranking through SEO. They are big shoes, but the right company will be able to fill them.
Can show results, but don’t need micromanaging
ROI is always a top priority when devoting budget dollars towards any end in business. In order to prove how they can contribute towards that efficiency, the company you hire to develop your website should have a clear process for showing the progress of the project and be able to perform without constant supervision. They are the professionals and should already have systems in place for productivity and communication that can be tailored for your needs and then implemented. Examples of past clients will be a good display of how savvy they are. You should also be prepared to understand reasonable pricing structures for the level of professional service you seek. A flat-rated quote will get you a flat-rated website.
Make sure they follow their own advice
One of the first things you should look for in a web development company is one that has a great website. Their site should be all the things that they recommend (and that you want) for your site. It should be eye-catching, easy to navigate, well-written, designed to show equally well in a PC or mobile device environment, and should have solid SEO. A good team will be open about who they are, what they do, and will provide plenty of examples of previous jobs for other companies in a variety of industries. If something is missing from their site, it should be a red flag to keep moving in your search.In the end, finding a great web development company is just as much about knowing what you want as knowing what they can do for you. With a clear understanding of the job you need done, and by providing the freedom for them to outperform your expectations, you will likely have a great experience and website launch. If you would like a new website, contact us today, and we can help.