Denver, Colorado – Your corporate branding is about your company, but the cumulative experience of your marketing efforts is for your customer. If your brand and how you promote it aren’t well planned, your message could fall flat and you could be just another amongst many in the marketing white noise surrounding your customer. Keep in mind that your audience is a business, or a few key players at a business. The focus should be on how you can help their company become more efficient, increase their product or service value, or save money by turning to you.

You most likely have already devoted a good deal of time and money into research and development for your products. You know how good they are. The next step is making those products known to a wider audience. However, the key is to not just show it to any audience, but to the audience that will make the most difference…your potential customer. The right corporate branding gets you there.

Take a moment to identify what is unique about your company. How do you stand out against your competitors? What values are you known for? The answers to these questions help form your brand identity. How you promote that identity creates your customer’s brand experience. Every interaction with your customer is an opportunity to affect that brand experience. From traditional ads and fliers, to social media interactions, there are many ways to provide an opportunity for a marketing touch. Your focus for that touch should be on both what you say and where you say it.

Since your customer is a business, whose purpose and main interest is in making a profit, the brand experience you tailor should evoke instant recollection of your goods or services and how they can help with their return on investment. Know what your customers need and how to show them that you can exceed it. That is the basis of your corporate branding efforts. The bottom line is that you should show how you positively affect their bottom line. By focusing on your customer’s needs, you meet your own.

In order to make your company stand out in the sea of corporate marketing blandness, you need to get specific about where you go with your message. Take it where your customers go for information. Know which trade journals and websites they follow. Standard ad placement and website optimization do help them know the basics, who and where you are and what you have, but imagine how can you take it a step further to increase your value to them. Perhaps package creative content about specific trade related topics into informative tutorials. Content can be posted to your website, released in an email or newsletter, or available on YouTube, and all could have links back to your relevant product.

To truly leverage your corporate branding, it should span the breadth of your marketing efforts and show usefulness and purpose to your customers. The strength of your brand is in clearly and consistently promoting the same design elements and core components of identity. By targeting your audience, you will be better able to forge an impelling brand experience.

Please contact us today, if you would like to build your corporate brand, and increase your sales.